What is Recursion in C

Recursion is a fundamental concept in computer science and programming that allows a function to call itself in order to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems. This elegant and versatile technique enables the solution of complex problems through a sequence of simpler, self-contained steps. In C programming, recursion can be a powerful tool for solving a wide range of computational challenges.

How it works

So here's what a recursive function does: it calls itself until it achieves is goal. To do that,  the problem is divided into smaller instances of the same problem. Each recursive call solves a smaller subproblem, and the solutions of these subproblems are combined to yield the solution to the original problem. The process continues until a base case is reached, which represents the simplest instance of the problem that can be directly solved without further recursion.

Structure of a Recursive Function

A recursive function consists of two main components: the base case and the recursive case.

  1. Base Case: The base case defines a condition under which the recursion stops. It provides a direct answer to the simplest instance of the problem. Without a base case, the recursion would continue indefinitely, leading to a stack overflow.
  2. Recursive Case: The recursive case represents the general form of the problem, where the function calls itself with a modified set of parameters. Each recursive call aims to reduce the problem's size or complexity, gradually converging towards the base case.


To illustrate what is a recursion in C let's calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer n. The factorial of n (denoted as n!) is the product of all positive integers from 1 to n.

#include <stdio.h>

int factorial(int n) {
    if (n == 0) {
        return 1; // Base case: 0! = 1
    } else {
        return n * factorial(n - 1); // Recursive case: n! = n * (n-1)!

int main() {
    int n = 5;
    int result = factorial(n);
    printf("%d! = %d\n", n, result);
    return 0;

In this example, the factorial function uses recursion to calculate the factorial of n. The base case is when n is 0, where the function returns 1. In the recursive case, the function calls itself with n - 1 and multiplies the result by n. The recursion continues until the base case is reached.

Advantages and Use Cases

Recursion offers several advantages in C programming:

  1. Elegant Problem Solving: Recursion allows complex problems to be solved through a sequence of simpler steps, improving code readability and maintainability.
  2. Divide and Conquer: Recursion naturally divides a problem into smaller, manageable subproblems, enabling more efficient solutions through divide-and-conquer strategies.
  3. Solving Inductive Problems: Recursion is well-suited for problems that can be naturally described in terms of smaller instances of the same problem, such as traversing trees, lists, or arrays.
  4. Code Reusability: Recursive functions can be reused across multiple parts of a program, promoting modularity and reducing code duplication.

Types of recursion

Recursion can take on several forms or types based on how it is used and the patterns it follows. Here are some common types of recursion:

  1. Direct Recursion: In direct recursion, a function directly calls itself to solve a smaller instance of the same problem.
  2. Indirect Recursion: Indirect recursion involves a chain of function calls where each function calls another function, eventually leading back to the original function.
  3. Tail Recursion: Tail recursion occurs when the recursive call is the last operation performed within a function before returning a value. Tail recursion can be optimized by some compilers, leading to more efficient memory usage.
  4. Non-Tail Recursion: Non-tail recursion involves additional operations after the recursive call before returning a value.
  5. Linear Recursion: Linear recursion refers to a scenario where each recursive call produces only one new recursive call.
  6. Binary Recursion: Binary recursion involves dividing a problem into two smaller subproblems, each addressed by a recursive call.
  7. Multiple Recursion: Multiple recursion involves making more than one recursive call within a function.
  8. Nested Recursion: In nested recursion, a function is called with the result of another function's recursive call.
  9. Mutual Recursion: Mutual recursion occurs when two or more functions call each other in a cyclic manner.
  10. Backward Recursion: Backward recursion starts from a base case and works its way back towards the original problem, accumulating solutions along the way.
  11. Forward Recursion: Forward recursion proceeds from the original problem towards the base case.
  12. Tree Recursion: Tree recursion involves making multiple recursive calls, often resulting in a recursive tree-like structure.

Each type of recursion has its own characteristics and use cases. Choosing the appropriate type depends on the problem at hand and the most effective way to break it down into smaller subproblems.


I've prepared a list of the most common recursion problems. You can try and solve them and then compare with the provided solutions :)

Caution and Optimization

While recursion is a powerful tool, it should be used judiciously. Recursive solutions can be less efficient than iterative alternatives due to the overhead of function calls. Excessive recursion can also lead to stack overflow errors. To optimize recursive functions, techniques like memoization (storing previously computed results) and tail recursion (where the recursive call is the last operation) can be employed.


Recursion is a core concept in C programming that empowers developers to solve complex problems by breaking them down into simpler components. Its elegance, versatility, and ability to capture the essence of inductive problems make recursion an essential tool for programmers seeking efficient and elegant solutions. However, remember that a simple iterative approach will always be faster, because the overhead of a function calls is traditionally higher.

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